Grounded in Excellence. Crafting KO Electrical’s Website and Capability Statement with clear, confident copy.

The Backstory

KO Electrical, a trusted provider of electrical and dry fire services in Sydney, was looking to establish a digital presence for the very first time.

With over 20 years of experience, KO had built a solid reputation through word-of-mouth and long-term partnerships but had never had a website. To bring their brand online and showcase their expertise, they turned to Vetro for web design, and Backstory Co was engaged to develop the copy for both the website and a Capability Statement.

What We Did

Backstory Co took the lead in writing both the website copy and copy for the Capability Statement, ensuring that KO Electrical’s brand voice - grounded in professionalism, reliability, and quality - shone through in every word. We:

  • Developed a clear, confident, and straight-talking tone that reflected KO’s no-nonsense approach to electrical services.

  • Crafted web copy that introduced KO Electrical to the online world, highlighting their expertise and long-standing reputation, while making their range of services easy to understand.

  • Crafted a Capability Statement that would provide a comprehensive overview of KO’s services and industry expertise, helping potential clients and partners understand the full scope of their capabilities.

Our Approach

As KO Electrical had never had a website before, it was crucial that their digital presence reflected their grounded and professional identity. Backstory Co worked closely with Vetro and KO to ensure the tone of voice was consistent across both the website and Capability Statement - confident, clear, and approachable.

  • Professional yet approachable: We kept the language concise, simplifying complex services like project management and dry fire solutions for the Service Pages to ensure they were accessible to all audiences.

  • Grounded in trust and reliability: On the Homepage, we emphasised KO’s long-term commitment to safety, quality, and partnerships, establishing trust from the first interaction.

  • Showcasing expertise: Throughout the site, particularly on the About Page, we highlighted KO’s three E’s - Experience, Expertise and Excellence - reinforcing their 20+ years of industry leadership.

For the Capability Statement, we maintained this grounded tone, offering a detailed overview of KO’s services and experience, ensuring the content aligned seamlessly with the website.

Website & Capability Statement Design: Vetro
Copywriting: Backstory Co


With their first website and Capability Statement live, KO Electrical is now better positioned to attract new clients and partnerships.


Kind Words

“I had a lovely to experience working with Elana, very professional and personal. Highly recommended.”

Stephen Gray
KO Electrical, Founder and CEO


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